Galaxy Trio in Leo

    Constellation:  Leo

    Size: About 3/4 degree

    Magnitude: About 10

    RA:  11h 19m 

    Dec: 13d 19m 

The trio of galaxies is a popular multi galaxy system.  The galaxies are fairly bright and grouped well within 1 deg field of view.  A wide angle eyepiece and dark skies will show all three in one eyepiece view on an 8" scope.  See the individual galaxy pages for a closer shot of each one.  This image is a composite with the three individual images pasted into a background image I obtained from the internet.  I could have imaged the entire area with the MX-5C, but that would have required considerable time imaging the star background, and I still have over 3,000 galaxies to image.

Scope:  8" LX 200 SCT
M-5C CCD Camera
Focal Ratio: f4
Exposure: About 40 min for each galaxy


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