M-109 in Ursa Major 
M-109 is a barred spiral galaxy near the bowl of the big dipper.   It is only about 1/2 a degree from the corner star in the dipper Phad, so this should help you find it.  But it is small and dim, so will be easy to miss. 
    Constellation:  Ursa Major

    Size:  7.6 x 4.6  arcmin 

    Magnitude:  10.6

    Surface Brightness:  11.2

    RA:  11h 57m 36.0s

    Dec: 53d 22m 29s

I really needed additional exposure for this image to capture the spiral arms. 

Scope:  8" LX 200 SCT
M-5C CCD Camera, STAR 2000 & IDAS LPR
Focal Ratio: f6.6
Exposure:  Combined 32 min
Link to SEDS M-109 Page
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