M-18 in Sagittarius
M-18 is a small open cluster in a star rich portion of the sky.   Since it is only nine arcmin in size, it is much smaller that many of the open clusters.  I  You should be able to see it in binoculars or a small 90 mm scope, but the visual appearance is not that striking.. 
    Constellation:  Sagittarius

    Size:  9 arcmin 

    Magnitude: 6.9

    Number of Stars:  20

    RA:  18h 19m 54s

    Dec: -17d 06m 00s

Scope:  8" LX 200 SCT
M-5C CCD Camera, STAR 2000 and IDAS LPR
Focal Ratio: f3.3
Exposure:  10 min 
Link to SEDS M-18 Page
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