M-35 In Gemini 
M-35 is another large open cluster in a star rich portion of the sky.   It covers about the same area of the sky as a full moon does.   It is easy to find and see in binoculars because it is close to the bright stars in the constellation Gemini. 
    Constellation:  Gemini

    Size:  28 arcmin 

    Magnitude:  5.1

    Number of Stars:  200

    RA:  06h 09m 00s

    Dec: 24 d 21m 00s

This image is a composite take with the Orion MAK 500.  Four separate images were stitched together to cover a large field of view.  The image also captures the smaller magnitude 8.6 open cluster NGC 2158.
Scope:  90 mm Orion MAK 500
M-5C CCD Camera
Focal Ratio: f5.5
Exposure:  4-6 min exposures
Scope:  8" LX 200 SCT
M-5C CCD Camera
Focal Ratio: f4.6
Exposure:  Two 6 minute exposures
Link to SEDS M-35 Page
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