M-38 in Auriga
M-38 is a small open cluster about 10 degrees below the bright star Capella.  M-36, M-37 and M-38 are all in the same general area of the sky.  You should be able to see them in binoculars if you can find Capella.

    Constellation:  Auriga

    Size:  21 arcmin 

    Magnitude:  6.4 

    Number of Stars:  100

    RA:  05h 28m 43s

    Dec: 35d 51m 18s

Scope:  Orion 90 mm MAK 500
M-5C CCD Camera
Focal Ratio: f5.5
Exposure:  Combined 6 minutes
Reserved for Future Image
Scope:  8" LX 200 SCT
M-5C CCD Camera
Focal Ratio: f3.3

Link to SEDS M-38 Page

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