is a small, but well detailed spiral galaxy. There is a brighter
inner region around the central core plus an extended sheet of faint spiral
arms extending outwards. You can just start to see the extended spiral
structure in my images.
Size: 6.5 x 5.7 arcmin Magnitude: 10.2 Surface Brightness: 12.8 RA: 12h 21m 54.7s Dec: +04d 28m 20s |
This image was taken with the IDAS LPR filter. |
Scope: 8" LX 200 SCT |
MX-5C CCD Camera & STAR 2000 Auto tracker | |
Focal Ratio: f4.2 | |
Exposure: 40 min (Two 20 minute exposures combined) | |
Scope: 8" LX 200 SCT |
MX-5C CCD Camera & STAR 2000 Autotracker | |
Focal Ratio: f6.6 | |
Exposure: 30 min | |