
M-9 is a nice globular about 12 degrees below and to the left of M-107.    It is similar in size and brightness to M-107 so is also much smaller and dimmer than M-10, but it is still a nice view in a 8-10 inch scope, assuming you have dark skies.  M-9 is low enough to get lost in urban light pollution for observers in the USA.   

    Constellation:  Ophiuchus

    Size:  11 arcmin

    Magnitude:  7.8

    Magnitude Tip:  13.5

    RA:  17h 19m 12s

    Dec: -18d 31m 00s

Scope:  Orion MAK 500
Nikon w/ Kodak MAX 800
Focal Ratio: f5.5
Exposure 11 min

Click here for larger image

Scope:   8" LX 200 SCT

MX-5C CCD & STAR 2000

Focal Ratio: f3.3

Exposure:  Combined 20 min

Link to the SEDS M-9 Page

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