Size: 5.4 x 4.7 arcmin Magnitude: 10.4 Surface Brightness: RA: 12h 18m 49.6s Dec: +14d 25m 01s |
is a member of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies. It is about 7 degrees
away from the magnitude 2 star, Denebola of the constellation Leo.
You will probably need dark skies and a 6-inch scope to view the central
core as it is a magnitude 10.4. A 12-inch or larger scope will probably
be needed to see the spiral arms.
Scope: Orion 90 mm MAK 500 | |
Nikon w/ Max 800 Film | |
Focal Ratio: f5.5 | |
Exposure: 10 min autoguided w/ MX-5C & STAR 2000 | |
Scope: 8" LX 200 SCT |
M-5C CCD Camera, STAR 2000 & IDAS LPR | |
Focal Ratio: f6.6 | |
Exposure: Two 20 minute guided exposures combined (40 min total) | |