Viewing Syrtis Major in 2005
This table list the times during 2005 when the central meridian of Mars is 300 degrees.  This will place the surface feature, Syrtis Major just to the right of the center of the planet.  The table lists the month and day and the universal time (UT).  UT is expressed in format. 
The next two columns shown are right ascension and declination in J2000 coordinates.  The format for right ascension is hh.mmss and the format for declination is dd.mmss.  JD is the Julian Date corresponding to the month, day, year and UT. 

Your image or view should be similar to the Meridian screen capture image shown above the table at the UT shown.  Of course, Mars be visible and it must be night time where you live.  The table does not take into account Mars visibility.  It only shows the time when the Central meridian will be 300 degrees.  North is up in this screen capture.

Click here to download the table in a comma separated variable format.

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