Moon Mosaic
This image of the Moon proved very difficult to complete.  The image is a composite of about 40 separate 0.4 seconds exposures made with my 8" LX200 and MX-5C CCD.  I needed so many exposures, because about 1/2 way through the sequence I got lost and had to start over.  I also left the telescope tracking at the sidereal rate and not lunar rate, so each exposure drifted in right ascension slightly.   With all of these imaging mistakes, I'm surprised that the image came out as well as it did. 



Click here for a full size image

(This is a very large image)

Scope:   8" LX 200 SCT
MX-5C CCD Camera
Focal Ratio: f20
Exposure:  About 40 separate 0.4 seconds exposures patched together.
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