NGC 4298 & NGC 4302 

NGC 4298 and NGC 4302 are two galaxies nicely grouped for amateur imaging.  They are located  among a swarm of galaxies in the constellation of Coma Bernicies.   This was one of my early images taken the first week I owned the MX-5C.  I hope to improve on the image quality the next chance I get to image these guys.  The galaxies are located about 7-1/2 degrees east of the star Denebola, which is eastern most bright star in the constellation Leo.   At magnitude 11+, you'll need dark skies and an 8 inch scope to see them visually.

    Constellation:  Coma Berenices

    Size:  3 x 1.8 arcmin (NGC 4298)

    Magnitude:  11.3

    RA:  12h 21m 33s

    Dec: 14 d 36m 11s

Scope:  8" LX 200 SCT
M-5C CCD Camera
Focal Ratio: f4
Exposure:  10 min

Narrow field screen shot from Megastar.

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