NGC 6765 
NGC 6765 is a very small and very dim planetary nebula.    Attempting to image it with only an 8 inch scope was a little optimistic, but I did manage to just capture it.  The blue arrow points to a knot of nebulosity that clearly visible on the larger image and on the digitized sky survey image.  The f10 image shows the planetary more clearly.
    Constellation:  Lyra

    Size:  40 arcsec

    Magnitude:  13.1

    RA:  19h 11m 6.5s

    Dec: +30d 32m 45s

Click here for larger image


Scope:  8" LX 200 SCT
M-5C CCD Camera
Focal Ratio: f4
Exposure:  8 min
Scope:   8" LX 200 SCT
MX-5C CCD Camera, STAR 2000 & IDAS LPR Filter
Focal Ratio: f10
Exposure:  50 min
Link to SEDS NGC Catalog
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