NGC 7331 Multi Galaxy Sys 
NGC 7331 is a large spiral with plenty of detail visible in CCD images.  The image here is the third attempt I made at capturing it.  The first two were spoiled by high clouds.  The galaxy core appears quickly in CCD images, but it required eight 20 minute exposures to bring out the full extent.  There are at lease five galaxies visible in this image. 
    Constellation:  Pegasus

    Size: 14.5 x 3.7 arcmin

    Magnitude:  9.4

    Surface Brightness:  12.6

    RA:  22h 37m 4.5s

    Dec: +34 d 25m 00s

Click here for a larger image

Scope:  8" LX 200 SCT
M-5C CCD Camera, STAR 2000 and IDAS LPR
Focal Ratio: f5.0
Exposure:  160 min
Link to SEDS NGC Catalog
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