Animation  of GRS & Io 27- 28 Nov 99
This sequence of images show the movement of Jupiter and the moon Io over a period of about  four hours.  When the animation starts, Io is to the left of the planet.  Io then moves in front of the planet, and a few frames later you can see the GRS and the moons shadow start across the face of the planet.   The GRS is just to the right of the shadow on the southern equatorial belt.  Toward the end of the animation, the GRS get lost in the fuzziness of the image, but Io appears to the right of the planet.  For a few frames you can see both Io and it's shadow.   North is  up in this image.  Unfortunately, the seeing degraded just as the shadow began moving across the planet, so the later frames are not very clear.  I almost stopped taking images, but decided to see it through.  I'm glad now that I did.  Seeing Io emerge from transit is a nice end to the sequence, even though the image quality is not as good as I would like.  Maybe next time the seeing will be better.     Click here to go back.