Richard's Links

This page contains links to other pages I have found useful.  If you discover that a link is no longer valid, please send me an e-mail so I can correct it. 


Astro Software

Astro Art Image Processing Software This is a very good image processing software, but you have to work in tri-color.  Be sure to down load the plug-in.  They allow you to control your CCD Camera and perform many other useful task.
Megastar Megastar is the star charting software I use to control my LX 200.

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Astro Hardware

Starlight XPress CCD Cameras This is the home page for the Starlight XPress CCD Cameras and equipment. 
Adirondack Video Astronomy (AVA) AVA is a retail source for the Starlight XPress CCD equipment in the USA.  They also sell many different adapters for connecting the CCD cameras.
Meade Telescopes This is the home page for LX 200 manufacturer. 
Orion Telescopes Orion offers many different model telescopes and accessories.  I have several of their products and they work fine for me.
Kendrick Dew Removal System The Kendrick Dew Removal System is an essential piece of equipment unless you live in a very dry climate.  The system has worked perfectly for me, except once.  I forgot to turn it on.
MAPUG If you have a Meade Telescope, bookmark this page.

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Other Reference Information

Photoshop Techniques Jerry Lodriguss has an excellent web site on using Adobe Photoshop in astro imagining.
Astrophotography for the Amateur A great reference by Michael Covington if you want to get started in astrophotography.
Orbits A little history reference about how we learned about planetary orbits.
Comet Orbit Info Get orbital elements of observable comets in formats suitable for loading into a number of popular planetarium-type software packages.
Mike McCants' Satellite Tracking Get orbital elements for Earth Orbiting Satellites
Ron Wodaski's Stuff Ron does excellent work and has an excellent web page on how to do it.
Digitized Sky Survey Download a digitized image of just about any spot in the sky.  
Internet Amateur Astronomers Catalog-Object List A list of over 3,000 observations of more than 1,700 objects.  Want to know what an object looks like through a telescope?  Then visit this page.
Multiwavelength Messier Museum!  See images of the Meissier Objects taken at various wavelengths.
Links to Larry's Deep Sky Sketches Want to see how Deep Sky Objects appear visually through a telescope?  Then visit Larry's Deep Sky Sketches Page.  Larry also has a page showing sketches of Messier Objects.
Viewing Information for Mars This site displays useful telescope viewing data for the planet Mars.

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