M-49 in Virgo

    Constellation:  Virgo

    Size: 9.3 x 7.0 arcmin

    Magnitude: 9.4 

    Surface Brightness:  12.5

    RA:  12h 29m 46.5s

    Dec: +07d 59m 58s

M-49 is one of the many galaxies in the Virgo cluster.   It is small and compact and somewhat difficult to image.  It is located about 9 degrees west of the magnitude 2.8 star Vindamiatrix. 

Scope:  8" LX 200 SCT
M-5C CCD Camera & STAR 2000
Focal Ratio: f3.3
Exposure:  20 min
Reserved for future image
Scope:   8" LX 200 SCT
MX-5C CCD Camera
Focal Ratio: f10
Exposure:   min

Link to the SEDS M-49 Page

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