M-97 "Owl Nebula"
The "Owl" nebula is a very nice telescopic sight.  A 6-8 inch should show the Owl's Eyes.  The two images show hoe exposure can help bring out the details.  The bottom image is one of my early ones where I used the M-5C track and accumulate software for the 25 minute exposure.  The top image is a 70 minute exposure guided with the STAR 2000 and using the IDAS Light Pollution Reduction Filter.
    Constellation:  Ursa Major

    Size:  2.8'

    Magnitude: 12.0

    Mag Central Star: 16.0

    RA:  11h 14m 47.7s

    Dec: 55d 01m 08s


Click Here for a Larger Image

Scope:   8" LX 200 SCT
MX-5C CCD Camera, STAR 2000 and IDAS LPR filter
Focal Ratio: f4.8
Exposure:  70 min
Scope:  8" LX 200 SCT
MX-5C CCD Camera w/ track and accumulate software
Focal Ratio: f4.6
Exposure:  25 min
Scope:   8" LX 200 SCT
MX-5C CCD Camera, STAR 2000 and IDAS LPR filter
Focal Ratio: f6.6
Exposure:  80 min
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