NGC 5673 & IC 1029
These two spiral galaxies are well placed for composition on a small CCD chip like the MX-5C.  The galaxies are pretty dim at magnitude 12+, but still reachable with the 8 inch SCT.   NGC 5673 parameters are listed first followed by those of IC 1029
    Constellation:  Bootes

    Size:  2.5x0.6 & 2.8x0.6 arcmin

    Magnitude:  12.9 and 12.2

    RA:  14h 31m 30.9s &
    14h 32m 27.5s

    Dec: 49d 57m 25s  &
    49d 54m 14s

Click here for larger image

Scope:   8" LX 200 SCT
MX-5C CCD & STAR 2000 
Focal Ratio: f4.6
Exposure:  35 min
Reserved for Future Image
Scope:   8" LX 200 SCT
MX-5C CCD Camera
Focal Ratio: f4
Exposure:  min
Link to SEDS NGC Catalog
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