Images of Solar System Planets & Dwarf Planets


Capturing good images of the solar system planets can be very challenging.  Mercury and Venus will show phases, but no surface detail.  Every other year Mars approaches close enough so that amateur scopes can capture some surface detail.  Jupiter and Saturn can generally be imaged with some detail, but you need a steady atmosphere, sharp focusing and an accurate drive to capture really high resolution images.  Uranus and Neptune appear as a tiny disk, but you can capture their moons,   Pluto is now a Dwarf Planet, but I till have some pictures taken when we called it a planet.  The best you can do with Pluto is watch it's motion against the background stars.  One easy item to image is close planetary alignments.  These can usually be photographed with an ordinary camera and tripod.  Here is a page that lists dates for some upcoming close alignments.

Mercury Images
Venus Images
Mars Images
Jupiter Images
Saturn Images
Uranus Images
Neptune Images
Pluto Images
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